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Home ยป OTP Scam: An Deception by Cab Drivers

OTP Scam: An Deception by Cab Drivers

Ridesharing services have become an integral part of our daily lives, offering convenience and ease of transportation. However, with the rise in popularity of these services, some unscrupulous individuals have found new ways to exploit unsuspecting passengers. One such scam that has emerged is the OTP (One-Time Password) scam. Cleverly executed by certain cab drivers to prematurely end your trip and extract more money from you. In this blog, we will shed light on this deceptive practice and provide you with valuable insights on how to stay vigilant and protect yourself from falling victim to such scams.

Understanding the OTP Scam

The OTP scam is a scheme where a cab driver tricks passengers into disclosing the OTP they receive on their phones. Which is generally used to verify and complete transactions. The scam unfolds when the driver reaches the destination and insists that the passenger must provide the OTP to officially end the ride. However, the driver’s intention is not to end the trip but rather to gain access to the passenger’s OTP and exploit it for financial gain.

The Deceptive Process:

  1. Arrival at the Destination: As your ride nears its end and you approach your destination. The cab driver may start acting friendly and engage you in conversation, creating a sense of trust and rapport.
  2. Request for OTP: Once you arrive at your destination, the driver will claim that in order to complete the ride. You need to provide them with the OTP sent to your phone. They may use plausible excuses like “company policy” or “security measure” to persuade you into complying.
  3. Exploitation of OTP: If you unsuspectingly provide the OTP. The driver gains access to a crucial piece of information that can be misused in various ways. They may use it to charge you extra for the ride, conduct unauthorized transactions on your behalf. Or even gain access to your personal information.

Protecting Yourself from OTP Scams:

  1. Be Informed: Stay updated about the latest scams and frauds happening in your area. Awareness is the first step towards prevention.
  2. Never Share OTPs: Under no circumstances should you provide your OTP to anyone, including cab drivers. Legitimate ridesharing services do not require OTPs to end a trip.
  3. Verify the Ride Details: Before entering the cab. Double-check the vehicle and driver details on the ridesharing app to ensure you are boarding the correct vehicle.
  4. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels suspicious or out of the ordinary during the ride, trust your gut instinct. Consider terminating the ride and contacting the ridesharing company’s customer support for assistance.
  5. Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter a cab driver attempting to execute the OTP scam or any other fraudulent activity. Report it immediately to the ridesharing company and local authorities.


While ridesharing services have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we commute, it’s important to remain vigilant and aware of the potential scams that can compromise our safety and financial well-being. The OTP scam orchestrated by certain cab drivers is a clear example of the lengths some individuals will go to exploit unsuspecting passengers. By familiarizing yourself with these scams and adopting precautionary measures, you can better protect yourself from falling victim to such fraudulent practices. Remember, staying informed and being cautious are the keys to a safe and secure ridesharing experience.

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